
Eamonn writes regularly for a number of business and military intelligence clients including IHS-Jane's Information Group (Sentinel, Foreign Report, Islamic Affairs).

In addition, Eamonn is a frequent contributor and reviewer to a number of publications including the Geographical Magazine and The Middle East.

Apart from being the Daily Telegraph’s stringer in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, his work has also appeared in the Independent, Daily Mail and New Internationalist.

As a special advisor or consultant, Eamonn Gearon is comfortable working alone or with clients to ensure they have:

  1. - the clearest understanding of local customs, societal norms, and how to avoid getting it wrong;

  2. - the best access to contacts across the Greater Middle East, from Casablanca to Kabul;

  3. - a demonstrable competitive advantage over any individual or business that tries to operate without local intelligence. 

The Role of the Royal Air Force in Iraq

Under the British Mandate; 1920-1932


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